Enterprise | Yeira

Increase your online courses outcomes.

Train better online by creating, delivering & analizing your courses in one place, 5x easier and faster.

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People trained successfully


Transformed businesses


Successful L&D Professionals


The all-in-one platform for your online courses

Intuitive Interface

The easiest and fastest platform for users and administrators

Cloud Based

Train your users wherever they are, with your brand

No Setup

Start right on the first day with no technical experts.

Authoring Tool

Create and combine expositive, evaluative and social contents.

Live Contents

Integrate Zoom or Teams and create real time moderated contents.

Asynchronous Contents

Add videos, docs, questionnaires, forms, interactive content and more.

Learning Analytics

Monitor and analize your coworkers erformance in real time.

Digital Badges

Acknowledge your coworkers and create a brand presence online.


Improve your digital ecosystem integrating Yeira with your corporate systems.


Create, deliver and analize your online courses from a single place, in a fast and easy way.

  • Save time Reach your training goals. Create and manage online courses in minutes, not days.
  • Take control A platform that is under your control. Forget about depending on technical staff, and concentrate on your contents.
  • Get reports To measure is to be able to improve. Visualize and download detailes reports by course or user, instantly.

The largest online facilitation toolbox available today.

An exclusive solution designed 100% for e-learning, at your reach.

  • Create Mixed Contents combining any type of resource.
  • Moderate your contents in real time, and dynamize your live courses.
  • Certify with branded Digital Badges.

Expositive Contents

Create interactive contents to present concepts, and combine them with evaluations and social interactions.

Evaluative Contents

Create diagnostic, formative and certified exams with the widest variety of question types.

Social Contents

Add social interactions, like Surveys, Chats, Reactions, Boards and more, with Real Time reporting.


Analize performance instantly.

Learning Analytics is your most important instrument to deliver and ongoing improvement of your online courses. Access to detailed reports in Real Time, for your live courses, as well as on demand.

Analyze in Real Time

Help your users to reach their goals by analyzing their performance in real time.

Visualize and Download

View all interactions of your users, and download the data for your own reports.

Personalize your reports

Add charts and tables with the right information that you need to improve.

Enterprise Benefits

Train to Transform

An e-learning ecosystem to achieve enterprise transformation.

E-learning training

With YeiraX, we train your L&D team in the fundamentals and key strategies to have a highly effective e-learning.

Personalized accompaniment

Get access to our expert consultants in e-learning, with more than 15 years creating successful enterprise training online.

E-learning Methodology

Improve your training processes by following the novel e-learning experience design methodology: the EXD Model.

360 Development

Power up your training strategy with integrations, modules and custom e-learning content development.


Our clients say it all.

Thousands of companies
are now part of the change

Transform your training - Transform your company. Take the first step.

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